Every year the DVSA publishes the top 10 reasons for driving test fails. I had not realised it is actually 5 years since we published a blog on this so I think it is certainly time for an update. The results for 2024 compared to 5 years ago make for interesting reading!

Top reasons for failing a driving test in 2019

  1. Poor observations at junctions
  2. Poor/no mirror use when changing direction
  3. Lack of steering control
  4. Poor judgment when turning right at a junction
  5. Failure to move off safely – usually this means no blind spot check done when there is a car approaching from behind.
  6. Response to traffic lights
  7. Poor/lack of control when moving off
  8. Poor/wrong position in normal driving
  9. Response to road signs and road markings
  10. Lack of control in reverse parking

Top 10 in 2024

  1. Poor observation at junctions
  2. Poor or no use of mirrors when changing direction
  3. Failure to move off safely
  4. Poor judgment turning right at junctions 
  5. Response to traffic lights
  6. Lack of steering control
  7. Poor/wrong response to road signs
  8. Poor/wrong response to road markings
  9. Poor/wrong positioning in normal driving
  10. Use of speed (exceeding speed limit)

Items in RED are unchanged in position in 5 years! Those in BLUE are in different positions but are still in the list – NINE OUT OF TEN of the reasons have remained unchanged in the list of the main reasons for failing! The only one that has changed is No. 10 in each list with exceeding the speed limit coming in as replacement for reverse parking issues.

Are these really the reasons for test fails?

I would argue that these are not, in fact, the reasons for failing a driving test. These are the behaviours that are demonstrated on the test but the underlying reasons are more complex. At Training Wheelz we don’t focus on the faults as this leads to test focused training. We are more interested in WHY these things happen. Finding out what is going on in a drivers mind will be far more likely to produce a change in behaviour. There are so many reasons why someone behaves the way they do. On a driving test the most likely cause is nerves. So if we can find ways to ease these then the outcome is far more likely to be a test pass. And there are methods of doing this! Too complex to go into in this post so I will come back to this in another post soon.

Other reasons

So what else can contribute to poor driving behaviour? I am sure yo can come up with some of your own. Sadly drink and drugs are two. Fortunately only a minority of drivers succumb to these although they can have a disproportionate effect on themselves, their families and other drivers.

If you are a full licence holder (or maybe still on your provisional?) have you ever felt tired while driving and unable to fully concentrate? And other situations that cause you to feel stressed? I always remember a cousin of mine being told his mother had died and rushing back to the family home and having a crash on the way. He freely admitted his mind wasn’t fully concentrated on driving

So while the DVSA gives these as the reasons for failing the driving test, I would argue that there is a lot more to it and these lists are too simplistic.  What do you think?

Become a confident driver!

Not everybody enjoys driving, some learn because it makes life easier for them. Possibly it opens up better career opportunities – or perhaps it enables you to become a taxi driver fro your children?!

Some people are just natural drivers though and thoroughly enjoy driving – just like Emily who passed her driving test just the day before I wrote this blog post!

Emily took to driving like a duck to water but nor everyone is so lucky. At TW we aim to support you whatever your approach is to driving.

Come and talk to us and find out more if you are looking to start your driving journey – and let us help you avoid the DVSA’s Top 10 reasons for driving test fails!

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